Acquiring & Assessing Digital Competence using Micro-Credentials


Acquiring and Assessing Digital Competence using Micro-credentials, known as Digital Skills Wallet, is a project aimed at developing an ecosystem supported by a digital platform for the acquisition and assessment of digital competence with the use of micro-credentials on the 5 digital competence areas as per the DigComp framework.

Central to the project, is the analysis into learning objectives of the descriptors for the 5 competences which will be the building blocks for micro-credentials. The platform allows educators to contribute with learning content and assessment questions to the platform, where both (content and assessment questions) are linked to micro-credentials.

The system will: 

  • assess the quality of the contributions using a peer review methodology, statistics gathered by the system and users’ feedback;
  • deliver a Micro-credentials Transcript for the assessed competence and a learning path along with suggested short courses that deliver those learning objectives still pending (micro-credentials not issued) and
  • check the user’s Digital Skills Wallet, where micro-credentials already issued are stored and will provide those questions aiming to assess credentials not issued yet.

The main project deliverables are:

  1. The Digital Skills Wallet platform;
  2. A Guide for developing questions and courses with micro-credentials;
  3. A framework for the development of an eco-system for the Acquisition and Assessment of Digital Competence with the use of micro-credentials and 
  4. A large-scale pilot test of the platform.

The Hincks Centre will work across all work packages and will lead 2 deliverables within work package 2 and 4. Within work package 2, a detailed and clear analysis of all descriptors and learning outcomes will be formatted electronically and within work package 4, another electronic guide will be developed on how to develop bite-sized courses and questions for the acquisition and issuance of micro-credentials.

The project is co-funded by Erasmus+ and will run for 44 months - 1 January 2023 until 31 August 2026.


Digital Skills Wallet in the Hincks Centre's News

Keep up to date with project developments, activities and events. Below are links to the Digital Skills Wallet articles as seen in the News section of our website.

  • Digital Skills Wallet - Hincks' Latest European Project to Develop Digital Skills using micro-credentials. 11 April, 2023
  • Empowering Europe - Hincks' Digital Skills Wallet Project Enhances Digital Competencies Across the Continent. 11 July, 2024.


Digital Skills Wallet Project Newsletters

  • Issue 1: Learn about the Digital Skills Wallet project, the DSW Platform and the Project Deliverables.
  • Issue 2: Find out about Micro-credentials and how they can be earned on the DSW Platform.
  • Issue 3: Progress of the Digital Skills Wallet project and the next steps.


Partner Locations

The lead partner is EDITC Limited, Nicosia, Cyprus with other partners:

  • Theofanis Alexandridis Kai Sia Ee, Kallithea, Greece
  • Universita Telematica Internazionale-Uninettuno, Rome, Italy
  • Universitatea Dunarea De Jos Din Galati, Galati, Romania
  • Munster Technological University, represented by Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence, Cork, Ireland
  • Dimitra Ekpaiditiki Simvilitiki AE, Larisa, Greece
  • M.M.C. Management Center Limited, Lefkosia, Cyprus
  • Cyprus Computer Society, Lefkosia, Cyprus

Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
© 2025 | Munster Technological University