Green Mentor Project meeting in Madrid

Green Mentor Project meeting in Madrid

21 November, 2016

The Hincks Centre, together with four other partners from different countries (Spain, Hungary and Austria), is developing GREEN MENTOR, a project within the framework of the 24-month Erasmus+ program.


The other organizations involved in the project are:

  • Utopic_US; Madrid, Spain.
  • Institute for the Promotion of Development and Training S.l. (INFODEF); Valladolid, Spain.
  • Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem (BGE); Budapest, Hungary.
  • Institut fur Berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personal Training GmbH (BEST); Vienna, Austria.

Currently we are at the project's equator and this week in Madrid has served as a way of sharing, creating and team building with all the partners involved. We met in one of the magnificent spaces of Coworking of Utopic_US, where we have had five very intense days of work and development and where we have also been able to enjoy some Spanish culture.

We had three main objectives. Firstly, to share and continue to develop the different Intellectual Outputs. These intellectual outputs are:
- Green Mentor ECVET Curriculum.
- Green Mentor Handbook
- Green Mentor Toolkit

Secondly, the creation of training pills in Video. These videos are structured as docu-lessons, designed and developed as a pedagogical tool and also as a means of promotion.

Finally, the design of the strategy and the next steps to follow in the GREEN MENTOR project taking into account that less than a year remains to the end of the project.

In this type of project, having different partners from different countries makes development more complicated, that is why these mutiplier events help us to clarify issues and develop the project in a higher level. Furthermore, we have to thank Utopic for the welcome they gave us in Madrid, making us feel at home.

On December 6, we have a meeting to share all the advances of the project with our Expert Board Commitee in order to receive feedback and continue to develop the project on the right path.

If you would like to discuss the mentor training or the project in more detail, please contact us:
Dr Breda Kenny & Sarah Davis, Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence, Cork Institute of Technology.
Email: and
Tel: 021 433 5427



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