All the Latest News and Events from MTU's Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence
START IN Project Kick-off Meeting
21 November, 2017
Necmettin OKUMUŞ (MPDNE:Coordinator of the Project) and Jesús BOYANO (INFODEF:Hosting Organization) welcomed all Project Partners to the Kick-Off Meeting for START IN project in Valladolid, Spain on November 21, 2017.
The START IN Project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme aims to stimulate the "social entrepreneurial mind set", developing capacities and abilities from an early age. With Project Partners in Spain, UK, Finland, Greece, Turkey and Ireland, the primary users will be School Teachers and Educators with the beneficiaries being Primary and Secondary School Students.
The main challenge of the project is to design new tailor-made tools and resources to address education in social entrepreneurship and innovation and to improve learning and teaching practises in innovation-related skills, attitudes and knowledge.
All Project Partners presented their relevant work packages to the group at the meeting in Valladolid.
Jesús Boyano (INFODEF) at discussions with the Project Partners at the START IN Kick-Off meeting in Vallodolid, Spain.
The Hincks Centre Team at Cork Institute of Technology will host the next meeting which will be held in April 2018.