Silver SME's Kick-Off Meeting

Silver SME's Kick-Off Meeting

28 June, 2018

The Hincks Centre is delighted to be part of the very exciting Interreg Europe SilverSME's project.  This five-year European-wide project aims to improve the implementation of regional policies for SME's competitiveness by taking advantage of the growing Silver Economy.  The first meeting of the nine partner regions met in the cultural town of Teruel in Spain, on June 28, 2018 and the launch was oficially announced online.



The two-day meeting, held in the town’s beautiful museum building, focused on the management of the project, the partners’ work packages, and the schedule of tasks and outputs.  As leader of the first work package, the Hincks Centre, represented by Helen McGuirk and John McAleer (CIT), outlined the SilverSME's SWOT Analysis.  Using a standardised questionnaire, each partner region will conduct structured interviews as a means of gathering trans-regional comparable data, to assist with the project SWOT analysis.  The aggregated SWOT analysis will be presented at the next partner meeting in France in January 2019.


Dr. Helen McGuirk, Head of Hincks Centre 


Presentation from the Lead Partner - Provincial Government of Teruel, Spain



For more about Silver SME's, please click here

To go directly to Silver SME's website click

If you are interested in the project, please contact us here at the Hincks Centre -

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