Hincks Produces Composite SWOT Report for the Silver SMEs Project

Hincks Produces Composite SWOT Report for the Silver SMEs Project

18 February, 2019

The Hincks Centre has produced the first deliverable of the Silver SMEs project - a Composite SWOT analysis of all Partner territories for the Interreg financed project.

Click here to view/download the SWOT Analysis.

The strategic objective of the Silver SMEs project is to contribute to the implementation of regional policies for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) competitiveness by building on significant opportunities arising from the Silver Economy.

The work package lead, Cork Institute of Technology co-ordinated the findings of the individual SWOT studies for the 7 partners, Teruel and Sodebur (Spain), Cim Do Ave (Portugal), Soca Valley (Slovenia), Eurasanté (France), Dalarna (Sweden) and ARR Lubuskie (Poland). This culminated in the composite SWOT report and was ratified at the partner meeting in Lille, France on January 29th. Each territory has significant peripheral, rural, mountainous or coastal regions, which is a key focus of the project.

The report incorporates insights from four sectors: SMEs, universities and research institutions, civil partners/society and policy makers, which provides a transnational overview of the Silver Economy.

A positive strength identified across all of the EU territories is that there are many SMEs and research organisations with good potential to collaborate. A key weakness identified is the failure by all four sectors to recognise and target the purchasing power of older adults as a market segment. Furthermore, SMEs are not focussed on the Silver economy and this was also reported as an opportunity. All partners identified the growing threats associated with an ageing population, adverse dependency ratios and insufficient numbers in the workforce. The report produced 11 recommendations, which will inform policy and the action plan, a future deliverable of this project.

For more information on Silver SMEs project click here or go directly to Silver SMEs website at https://www.interregeurope.eu/silversmes/

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