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Global Intern Published
01 May, 2020
The Hincks Centre is thrilled to announce that Haizea Vianez, one of our Global Interns, has had her final year project published in her home University’s Business Studies magazine.
This scientific publication was funded in 1994 to bring together researchers and professors from the Business Management field.
Although Haizea graduated last year, her project won an award in the University of the Basque Country’s 2nd Students’ Congress for being one of the best Final Year Projects in the 2018-2019 academic year.
In recognition of its quality, she was invited to include her work in the magazine and it is now available on the following links:
Vianez Rodríguez, H. (2019) ‘The 2030 sustainable development agenda and free trade. How the agenda fails to include concerns related to trade.’ Revista de Dirección y Administración de Empresas, (26), 99-152.
Congratulations Haizea from all at the Hincks Centre!