All the Latest News and Events from MTU's Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence
Silver SMEs Project Update

02 September, 2020
The 6th project partner meeting took place online on the 2nd and 3rd of September and was hosted by our partners in Dalarna, Sweden.
Dr Aisling Conway Lenihan and Dr Helen McGuirk attended on behalf of the Hincks Centre.
This project has made considerable progress despite the challenges of COVID19. Phase 1 of this project is due to be completed in May 2021 with a closing conference in Brussels.
Partners exchanged their final Good Practices and experiences from their respective regions and this now completes this output of the project. Dr Jane O’Flynn, Health Innovation Hub Ireland (HIHI) Manager, Cork Institute of Technology presented on the work of HIHI to the partners. CIT also shared information on the upcoming special issue for the journal - Small Enterprise Research.
For more information on SilverSMEs, please click here or
visit the SilverSMEs website at
SilverSMEs is cofunded by Interreg Europe