Hincks Team Presents ......

Hincks Team Presents ......

27 April, 2022

Dr Helen McGuirk and Dr Aisling ConwayLenihan presented at the NUIG Rural Voices series on the 27th April. Their presentation, Awareness and potential of the Silver Economy for enterprises and society in rural areas, was well received by those in attendance.

Dr ConwayLenihan explained the Silver Economy and its economic value to the EU and the potential opportunities for enterprises in this emerging area. Dr ConwayLenihan also spoke about the SilverSMEs Interreg Europe Project and the Special Issue Small Enterprises and the Silver Economy in the Small Enterprise Research journal, which is to be launched in May 2022. 



Dr McGuirk discussed the rationale and findings of their peer reviewed publication Awareness and potential of the silver economy for enterprises: a European regional level study¹, and the conference paper Living well in older age: opportunities for a sustainable silver economy in rural areas which was presented at the Engaging Ageing conference in 2021.



An interesting discussion followed the presentation with many interesting questions posed from the audience.



A full recording of the presentation is available here

¹ McGuirk, H., Conway Lenihan, A., & Lenihan, N. (2021). Awareness and potential of the silver economy for enterprises: a European regional level study, Small Enterprise Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/13215906.2021.1919915

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