WeRin Piloting

WeRin Piloting

06 October, 2023

Women Entrepreneurs in Regional Inclusive Entrepreneurial Ecosystems - WeRin - is
a forward-thinking European initiative with a team of partners who are passionate about increasing the share of female graduate entrepreneurs. 


As part of the Erasmus+ WeRin project, the Hincks Centre, in conjunction with the Rubicon Centre, piloted some of the materials of the WeRin journey to the participants of the New Frontiers programme.

Ana Cruz Garcia, Hincks Centre, and George Bulman, Rubicon Centre drove the participants through some of the stops in this journey where they learnt about the complexities surrounding gender, entrepreneurship and inclusivity.



I hope we made them think about the barriers women entrepreneurs face, ways of moving forward and the fact that we all have a role to play. I thoroughly enjoyed their contributions.

A special thank you to Aoife McInerney, Manager of the the New Frontiers programme, for making the class available to us and particularly to the participants. Best of luck on your entrepreneurial paths.


Ana Cruz Garcia
Hincks Centre Academic Researcher



For more information on the WeRin project click here to visit our project page on our website.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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