All the Latest News and Events from MTU's Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence
STEM Valorise Project

24 February, 2023
STEM Valorise - Empowering a New Generation of Impactful STEM Researchers
The final partner meeting for the Erasmus+ project STEM Valorise took place online on Friday 24th February 2023.
Hosted by Dr Zeynep Erden-Bayazit, the partners from ITU Turkey, from IMBTS in France, from UIIN in the Netherlands and from MTU’s Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence convened to review the project final reporting and outputs.
Dr Niall O’Leary and Dr Sarah Davis represented the Hincks Centre. Once all the documentation is made available on the project platform and the feedback from the EC on the final reports is available, this project will wind to a close.
However, this is not the end of the STEM Valorise programme; the training materials and reports are available on the website -, and are already forming the basis of a module in academic entrepreneurship targeting PhD students from multiple disciplines with ITU Turkey. Colleagues are also planning a journal article that outlines the experiences of identifying the needs of PhD researchers for training in valorisation and in developing the STEM Valorise programme and delivering a successful 10-week pilot to a diverse group of students from 3 European countries.
The meeting closed on a positive note, with partners planning to work again together on future projects and some reminisces of our in-person project meeting in Istanbul, with some time to remember all of those affected by the severe earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
The Hincks Centre would like to acknowledge and thank our MTU colleagues for their support of the project and thanks to those who gave their expertise and time for interviews, as well as to the PhD and Masters students who attended the pilot training and provided us with feedback for improvements and praise for what worked well. This STEM Valorise project reflects the ‘Succeeding Together’ ethos within MTU, with the Extended Campus’s Dr Irene Sheridan and Maria Durban delivering the project outputs for the early project stages and the Hincks Centre taking up the initiative for the second phase, a great example of co-operative sharing of resources and projects within MTU.
Dr Sarah Davis
Hincks Centre Senior Researcher
To learn more about the STEM Valorise project, click here to visit the project page on our website.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.