Chalmers University of Technology Invites .....

Chalmers University of Technology Invites .....

18 June, 2024

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Rebecca Robinson, Researcher at the Hincks Centre, is one of twenty individuals invited by Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, to join the esteemed ENHANCE+ Community-Based Training Programme for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation.


The training programme is set to dive deep into sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation, co-creating impactful strategies and pioneering new approaches that will shape the future of business. The programme will -

  • Refine training abilities to address the interconnected concerns of the planet, people, and profit.
  • Stay ahead of the curve in the evolving landscape of entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Forge invaluable connections with like-minded peers within a European universities' alliance.
  • Be part of a transformative journey towards creating a more sustainable future.



Led by well-respected and highly admired experts in the field, such as Martin Lackeus, Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship Researcher together with Dr Mats Lundqvist, Professor in Entrepreneurship Didactics, Dr Karen Williams-Middleton, Professor in Entrepreneurial Learning, Dr Yashar Mansoori, Researcher, and Kristina Dobricic, PhD Candidate, the programme promises to elevate both the trainers' and the trainees' journeys in sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation.

Rebecca says “I am honoured in my capacity as an Entrepreneurship Researcher in MTU to be invited by Chalmers University to take part in this distinguished programme. I am looking forward to empowering individuals and organisations in our society and region who also share my passion for sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation”.



Rebecca is very grateful for the opportunity to learn from such a prestigious team in a leading University and to connect with likeminded individuals to spread her learnings with the wider community. Rebecca is also looking forward to sharing the new ideas and knowledge with colleagues across MTU.

Rebecca would like to thank Dr Helen McGuirk, Head of the Hincks Centre for nominating her and for supporting the application to this prestigious programme and would like to thank Dr. Breda Kenny, Head of School of Business for her support in the application and commencement of the programme in August.



Congratulations and well done Rebecca from all the Team at the Hincks Centre. Maith thú!

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