Hincks in Brussels

Hincks in Brussels

05 June, 2024

Senior Eco-Nect: Supporting the emergence and the development of European ecosystems dedicated to the silver and ageing economy.



The Senior Eco-Nect project team met for the final time in Brussels, hosting the final Summit and project meeting as part of the final activities. The project initially concluded with the Senior Eco-Nect Summit, “Shaping Europe’s Silver Future” on the 4th of June where interested stakeholders came together for an informative and interesting afternoon organised by European Platform for Sport Innovation (EPSI). Caroline Weste, Senior Eco-Nect Project Manager from Eurasante and Alberto Bichi, Executive Director of EPSI, opened the Summit, introducing the Keynote Speaker, Julia Wadoux, Policy Manager at AGE Platform Europe. Julia spoke with passion and knowledge about the evolution of policy and research conducted by the EU Commission and AGE Platform in relation the to the senior economy.



After a Questions and Answers session with Julia, we were treated to a showcase of best practices from individuals across Europe relating to the ageing economy landscape. We heard from Marc Sarens, a Researcher at Vrije Universiteit - Brussels, working on a project called IKIGAI 55. Yaëlle Duigou, the CEO of L'adaptelier - France, impressed us with her solutions to clothing for seniors, Cristina Jofre Mitjana, the Co-Founder & Chief Marketing Officer at GRAN3DAD - Spain, spoke to us about their solutions to adapting senior living with the voice of seniors leading the way and finally, Fran Montoto from ATENDO - Spain spoke about the innovations that can come about through the community, enterprise and seniors co-creating and co-experiencing together.



Following the best practice showcase, an expert panel gathered to discuss the synergies in silver across Europe. The panel consisted of experts in the areas of research, academia, business and networks and gave their insights and sectorial perspectives on advancing the Senior Eco-Nect agenda. The discussion was moderated by Alberto Bichi, Executive Director at EPSI and panellists included: Iván Rarís Filgueira, Managing Director of Galician Health Cluster - Spain, Dr. Helen McGuirk, Head of the Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence at Munster Technological University - Ireland, Anna Grazia Laura, President of the European Network for Accessible Tourism - Belgium, Boris Cizelj, Director of Knowledge Economy Network - Slovenia and Fanny Boyaval, Innovation Officer at Clubster NHL - France.



After a very eventful Summit, the partnership met on the 5th of June for the final meeting to discuss and review the progress on the Joint Action Plan, discuss future prospects, and to outline the work to conclude the project.

The Hincks Centre very much look forward to continuing our work and publications in the area of the Silver Economy and welcome working with the partnership in the future.


Rebecca Robinson
Hincks Centre Researcher



For more information on this project, please click here to go to the project page on our website.



This project has been Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor EISMEA can be held responsible for them.
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