Entrepreneurship Education for Educators

The Hincks Centre are developing a training programme Fostering Excellence in Research Led Entrepreneurship Education. The programme will suit early-stage entrepreneurship educators and those established educators looking for new ideas, resources and opportunities to network.

It will be of interest to those teaching across all discipline areas, not just business-disciplines, and will be of particular benefit to those introducing entrepreneurship into STEAMM (science, technology, engineering, arts, maths & medicine) programmes.

Entrepreneurship is recognised as a key driver positively influencing economic growth and recovery as well as improved standards of living within the economy. Fostering Entrepreneurship not only prepares and educates individuals to identify and capitalise on opportunities but also allows them to be flexible in adapting to the changing economies, to become more innovative and responsive to change in employment settings. Nowadays, Higher Education plays a key part in supporting learners to develop an entrepreneurial mindset that can play a major role in developing these entrepreneurial capabilities not alone benefitting the individual but organisations and communities.

Participants of the course will be introduced to the most recent research in this space, including the National Entrepreneurship Assessment Review 2 (NEAR2) conducted in 2021, understand the key elements of developing the entrepreneurial mindset and the principles related to the purpose and practice of entrepreneurship education (EE). By gaining this knowledge, participants will be able to integrate what they have learned into their course and apply their learnings in the classroom for greater learning outcomes.

The development of this course is thanks to the funding provided by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and contributions from  MTU's Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence and School of Business, Campus Entrepreneurship Enterprise Network (CEEN) Members nationally and technological development by the MTU's Department of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). The overall objective of this course is to foster excellence in entrepreneurship education by guiding educators towards the most effective teaching methods in developing the learner’s entrepreneurial mindset. We hope to offer this course in Spring 2023.



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