Hincks Hosts STEM Valorise Multiplier Event

Hincks Hosts STEM Valorise Multiplier Event

14 September, 2022

The Hincks Centre hosted the STEM Valorise project Multiplier Event on September 12, 2022. MTU, represented by the Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence and Extended Campus, is a partner in this Erasmus+ funded project.


The STEM Valorise project investigated the latest research regarding how to best create value for society, and created a cutting-edge training programme for STEM researchers. The webinar summarised the project findings and provided an overview of the upcoming pilot training programme. 

Dr Niall O'Leary, Research Fellow with the Hincks Centre, introduced the STEM Valorise project and explained why valorisation is important and how it can be increased.



Nina Branković, representing project parner Institut Mines-Telecom Business School (France), defined valorisation, drivers and barriers to achieving it.



Prof Irene Sheridan, MTU's Extended Campus, spoke about valorisation and university engagement in Ireland and MTU.



Finally, Niall returned to the screen and gave an overview of the STEM Valorise training programme.



The 10-week programme will help extend the reach of STEM research beyond academia and will be of interest to STEM Researchers who want to create societal impact from their work. The free training will run online every Thursday from 09:00 to 10:30, October 6th to December 8th 2022.

The Training Brochure can be viewed/downloaded by clicking here.

For further details and a link to register, please click here.


To view the recording of the webinar and learn more about the project, click here to visit the STEM Valorise page on our website.


STEM Valorise is an Erasmus+ KA2 funded project.

Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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