STEM Valorise Researcher Training

'Until recently, there was no focused training course available to help researchers measure and maximise the value of their research based on the valorisation concept with much of the prior work focusing on the commercialisation component of valorisation. The STEM Valorise project has addressed this and will pilot a course in Autumn 2022 to help STEM researchers clarify the value (valorisation potential) of their research to society and provide support, in the form of useful tools and structures to maximise research valorisation. As part of the STEM Valorise programme, participants will develop insights and apply structure to their thinking about how to maximise the impact of their STEM research both for their own career and for society. As research encourages specialisation and focus - the big picture may often fail to get due consideration. A key outcome of course participation will be a fuller understanding of how one’s research provides value to society. To support this, several transversal skills for valorisation such as communication, stakeholder engagement and negotiation skills will be included to support researchers in their STEM valorisation. We are confident that by using the tools taught in this new course, researchers will gain greater clarity on the impact of their work for society and, in addition, it will help them to have a more rewarding and successful career. Finally, the course will help participants to identify and gain greater meaning from their work.'*

The 10-week STEM Valorise Researcher Training Programme will help extend the reach of STEM research beyond academia. The programme is aimed at Masters, PhD, Post-doctorate students and early career researchers conducting STEM research at higher education institutions based in Turkey, France or Ireland or affiliated with a higher education institution in these countries.

A brief description of each module is outlined below:


Please click here to view/download the programme brochure.


The free pilot training programme will run online every Thursday from 09:00 to 10:30, October 6th to December 8th 2022.

For schedule and registration, please go to: For any queries, please contact


* An excerpt from 'The Big Picture - why be a Researcher' by Dr Niall O'Leary, September 2022. The full article is available here.


To learn more about the STEM Valorise project, please visit the European Projects section of our website or click here.


STEM Valorise is an Erasmus+ KA2 funded project.


Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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