Campus Entrepreneurship Enterprise Network - CEEN


Educators in HEIs are invited to take part in a research survey for the NEAR 2 (National Entrepreneurship Assessment Review) project. The project is funded by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education for CEEN.

Please click here for more information and for a link to the survey.


The Campus Entrepreneurship Enterprise Network - CEEN is the Irish national network for promoting and developing entrepreneurship and enterprise at third level. CEEN aims to create a sustainable national platform for raising the profile, extending engagement and further developing entrepreneurship across the Irish HEI sector. It will do this by:

  1. Providing a vehicle for a national dialogue between academia, industry and voluntary and public sectors on the development of entrepreneurship education;
  2. Promoting excellence in the field by stimulating research, developing new pedagogy, evaluating and disseminating best practice and creating an evidence base around ‘what works’;
  3. Establishing a national communications network to facilitate networking and collaboration within and between HEIs for academic and non-academic staff and the student body;
  4. Demonstrating the economic business case for continuous investment and will support the development of new programmes and initiatives to promote entrepreneurship education across the wider HEI sector.

You can visit the CEEN website at


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