
ecoRIS3 - Policies and Measures to Support Regional Innovation Ecosystems

The Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence was awarded the Interreg Europe funded ecoRIS3 project as Communications Leader for the International consortium. The lead partner was Spain with other partners from France, Portugal, Lithuania, Finland, Latvia and Italy.

A major gap remains in the transfer of innovation and knowledge produced by Research and Technological Organisations (RTOs) and Higher Educational Institutes (HEIs) to local and regional businesses and it creates difficulties in terms of innovation and growth. This knowledge transfer is key in the generation of economic exploitation of the R&D results and particularly important in local and regional areas of Smart Specialisation Strategies and innovation opportunity. By improving innovation delivery policies, ecoRIS3 addresses the clear need to promote better policies and measures that generate solid interactions and knowledge transfers between key researchers and producers.

The ecoRIS3 project will see the establishment of a coordinating group, representing development agencies, educationalists, researchers and enterprises from across Cork and Kerry, to examine how improvements can be brought to strengthen the region’s ability and agility as it continues to drive Smart Specialisation. Among the activities to be delivered are a series of Regional SWOT Analyses, Exchanges of Experience and Good Practices and Policy Recommendations.

Regional Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) focus on how the regional innovation ecosystem can be best structured and delivered.

The project is now managed by V-Link at CIT.

To go directly to the ecoRIS3 website click on the link

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