Women Entrepreneurs in Regional Inclusive Ecosystems - WeRin


The WeRin project addresses the dual dimensions of gender (female) and structure (ecosystem) in entrepreneurship. This project explores making entrepreneurship education and support programmes more gender inclusive, allowing women to feel invited into entrepreneurship, and structurally more inclusive, seeking wider female representation within the entrepreneurial ecosystems, greater access to and embeddedness within regional networks, as well as better access to available resources.

The main objectives of the project are to:

  • Raise awareness with higher education institutes of the need for inclusive practices, to enhance existing programmes and to recognise best practices for inclusiveness;
  • Provide entrepreneurship support program management with improved understanding of the benefits of inclusivity in accessing a wider talent pool through inclusive ecosystems;
  • Provide tools and materials to allow (re)design of existing programmes - a WeRin approach;
  • Improve understanding of students (male and female) of how inclusivity affects entrepreneurial potential and of processes of entrepreneurial embedding;
  • Design, deliver and implement programmes to build on learning from best practices in other regions and other programmes;
  • Ensure gender inclusivity in entrepreneurship education and in support systems in Europe, ensuring that the regions benefit from an improved influx of female entrepreneurs;
  • Evidence the efficacy of the WeRin tools and materials through peer learning, an on-line community of practice and the co-creation of knowledge.


The 14 partner organisations, from 6 countries, comprise representatives of higher education, SMEs, networks, business incubators, regional and entrepreneurship representative bodies. The lead partners are Münster University of Applied Sciences (MUAS), Germany and with other partners from Germany, the Netherlands, Turkey, Croatia, Norway, and Ireland. The Hincks Centre leads the project element of Capacity Building and development of a Community of Practice. 

The kick-off meeting for this Erasmus+ KA2 co-funded project was held online on February 19, 2021. It will run for 36 months.

In January 2022, the partners launched their literature review report: Understanding Current Research on Inclusive Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. The research review was conducted by the international WeRin consortium of researchers and was validated by the WeRin Quality Committee. 

For entrepreneurship educators, there are three booklets (pdf) that showcase 27 diverse entrepreneurial women role models from 5 European countries, 6 of whom are based in Ireland with connections to the Rubicon. These showcases provide useful and relatable classroom materials for educators who are seeking examples of diverse embedded women entrepreneurs. These project resources can be accessed at https://werinproject.eu/resources/. We also welcome insights, news articles and blogs related to gender inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystems.

On the 8th of March 2023, WeRin marked International Women’s Day 2023 with the launch of the Good Practices Report. Prepared by AUAS, MUAS and MTU on behalf WeRin, this Good Practices report provides a cross-practice analysis of 12 good practices that foster an inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem in Europe. The analysis is based on input from five different regions in Europe: Germany, Turkey, Ireland, Croatia, and the Netherlands. Targeting entrepreneurship educators, directors of entrepreneurship programs in HEIs and non-academic organisations in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, the Good Practices were identified that match women entrepreneurs’ needs at different stages within their entrepreneurial journey, from educational empowerment to systemic changes. To view/download the Good Practices Report, please click here.


WeRin in the Hincks Centre's News

Keep up to date with the WeRin project developments, activities and events. Below are links to the WeRin articles as seen in the News section of our website.

  • WeRin - Pre Kick-off Meeting for Erasmus+ Project. 1 February, 2021.
  • WeRin Project - Think Tank and Partner Meeting. 18 October, 2021.
  • SAVE THE DATE - November 23: Achieving a More Inclusive Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. 8 November, 2021.
  • What Works .....Women-Only Or Women-Focused Networks? 20 December, 2021.
  • WeRin Project - Video Release and Launch of Regional Reports. 13 March, 2022.
  • WeRin Amsterdam! First All-Partner, In-Person Meeting Takes Place. 10 June, 2022.
  • Hincks Hosts ..... WeRin International Capacity Building Session at MTU's Bishopstown Campus. 25 May, 2023.
  • WeRin Piloting - New Frontiers Participants on the WeRin Journey. 6 October, 2023.


WeRin Blogs from the Hincks Centre

  • Taking control of one’s destiny. A WeRin interview with Lucy O’Donoghue, CEO and business mentor. Dr Sarah Davis interviews Lucy O'Donoghue. Published on werinproject.eu, September 7, 2022.
  • Setting the Scene. Dr Ana Cruz García. Published on werinproject.eu, April 3, 2023.


WeRin project newsletter

In August 2021, WeRin project launched its first bi-annual newsletter called 'Women Entrepreneurship and Education' ezine. 

  • Issue 1: shows the vision for the project, introduces some key contributors from the ecosystem research consortium, provides some previews of the research that explores women entrepreneurship, gender inclusivity and the inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem. It also spotlights a selection of fascinating women entrepreneurs based in the Netherlands. August 2021.
  • Issue 2: The second issue brings insights from the recent Think Tanks that the WeRin consortium organised as the next step after the investigation phase of the project. February 2022.
  • Issue 3: All the latest project news, new role models, an introduction to our Norwegian partner ECWT, an update on the status of the WeRin Principles, an update on the status of the project, the next steps and much, much more. July 2022.
  • Issue 4: This issue has the latest project updates, an introduction to new role models and to WeRin Project Partners - Istanbul Technical University Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation (ITU Ginova) and Impact Hub Amsterdam. January 2022.
  • Issue 5: Issue five focuses on the International Capacity Building Session that took place in Ireland. It also unveils the WeRLearnin Approach and the WeRin Knowledge Port - two key deliverables for the WeRin project. July 2023.
  • Issue 6: The final issue focuses on the partners’ participation in the 2023 RENT conference, the Women’s* Empowerment Convention, our WeRin Community of Practice and the final Co-ordination Meeting held in Germany. Also included are the results of the regional pilot tests and a spotlight on a new selection of fascinating women entrepreneurs. January 2024.


Partner locations

The lead partner is Münster University of Applied Sciences, Münster, Germany with other partners:

  • Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities, Münster, Germany;
  • Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands;
  • University Industry Innovation Network, Amsterdam, Netherlands;
  • University of Zagreb, Croatia;
  • Munster Technological University - Hincks Centre for Entrepreneurship Excellence and the Rubicon Centre, Cork, Ireland;
  • Istanbul Technical University, Turkey;
  • Momentum Consulting, Leitrim, Ireland;
  • European Centre for Women and Technology, Oslo, Norway;
  • Wirtschaftsförderungs und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Steinfurt mbH, (WESt mbH), Steinfurt, Germany;
  • Impact Hub Amsterdam, Netherlands;
  • Technology Park Varazdin, Croatia and
  • ARI Teknokent Proje Gelistirme Planlama, Instanbul, Turkey.

Website: https://werinproject.eu/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/we-r-in

Twitter: www.twitter.com/WeRinproject



Disclaimer: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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